Robot Inquiry Form

Please fill in all the fields below so that we can give you the most accurate price quote.

Robot Quote Form

Robot working environment

Robot environment requirements

Substrate details

What type of substrate do you handle?

What is the substrate size

Substrate details

Example: hot wafers, bowed and non-flat wafers, wet wafers, transparent wafers and other types

Substrate warpage
Warpage type

Robot environment requirements

Maximum file size: 5MB

What are your repeatability requirements by axes

milara single and dual arm robot axes

What are your accuracy requirements for X and Y at a predefined distance from the robot

End-effector information

What kind of end-effector do you need
Does the process require wafer flipping
(Example: anodized aluminum, ceramic etc.)
Do you require mapping feature on the robot

Do you have specific software requirements

Fill in all applicable for your needs

Do you need a teach pendant terminal

How do you intend to communicate with the robot

Do you need a prealigner